Not everything I do is best represented on a CV line. My practice includes working with media, curating collections of brilliant writers, thinkers and makers, and performing strange acts of cultural memory, both on the ground and in virtual space.
ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories
Building an open-access home for game history's many futures, for academics, journalists, students, and fans.
Sierra On-Line MemoriesA five-day oral history excursion to Oakhurst, California that asked a town to remember its history as "the birthplace of computer gaming."
Softalk Open Discussion ProjectA cross-institute collaboration rethinking the who, what and where of early personal computing.
When Games When Click: The T42 DocumentaryDeep in an underground research lab, I helped document the history and preservation of one of the world's first computer games: Tennis for Two.
Freelance Design WorkOver a decade of experience orchestrating image and text to empower the messages of poets, scholars, editors and event organizers.
Mistakes Were MadeA one-day computer history event series that redefined who and what is part of "computer history."
Academic Coach TaylorThe unexpected meme sensation that combined Friday Night Lights and academic tough love.
Journal of Visual Culture: Internet Meme Issue"Over two years ago, we sensed that the best way to be generous to our
subject matter was to not presume to know what it would look like." Different Games 2013An inaugural two-day conference with a powerful premise: how do we support a games community built on diversity, inclusion and difference?